Art Photography - what is it?
Many people love art. Of course, art can take many forms. For you, art may mean painting. For someone else, ceramics are art. For someone else, art is photography. The last example certainly applies to a minority of people, because very few people include photography in art.
For most people, photography and art are two completely different fields. However, we ask ourselves why this is so. Why does art exclude photography, at least if we restrict ourselves to popular opinion?
For many, photography is just about taking a picture of something that is there. That sounds pretty simple when you put it like that. But it is not quite that simple. There is a difference between simply photographing motifs and artistic photography - namely art photography. Because the art of using photography as something that makes the viewer think, of creating images that stimulate the imagination, that generate emotions, is something special. Those who can do this need more than just the knowledge of how to edit pictures.
This requires creativity, intuition, a sense for the right perspective and many other things.
Art - Photography can do more than just craft
One "problem" that becomes apparent here is that even one or two photographers would never claim to be an artist. Many see themselves more as craftsmen. Those who see themselves as craftsmen are mostly of the opinion that it is the artist who creates art and the photographer who depicts this art.
So the question "Is photography art?" is not so easy to answer. Or so one would think at this point. And yet, ever since photography was in its infancy, it has been a medium with which it was and is possible to create independent works of art that cannot be created with any other technique.
And even if opinions among the general public are divided on this, photography as an art form has prevailed and the art of photography has come into being. Just think of the exhibitions in museums, galleries or art halls that regularly present the world's most famous photographs as artistic works.
These works cannot, of course, be compared to the snapshots that the average consumer takes with his smartphone. Rather, artistic photography is about capturing the moment as skilfully as possible.
Learn Art Photography
Even if you are currently only at the snapshot level, you can of course also learn art photography. In the meantime, the internet offers so much useful information on the subject that you can already educate yourself here free of charge. Furthermore, many professional photographers now offer workshops. In these workshops, amateur photographers have the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge of professionals and to put the tips directly into practice. Because in the end, it is practice that ensures that you get better and better over time and become a professional in art photography.
Finally, we would now like to ask you the question:
Is photography art - what do you think?