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Pet pictures
2022-07-26 16:55:00 / General / Comments 0

Pet pictures - 4 tips for a beautiful shot

Whether dog, cat, rabbit or guinea pig - our pets accompany us through life and are like family members for many of us. So it's no wonder that we always want to capture them in pet pictures.

After all, we love them more than anything. Of course, we also want to capture the best memories with them and what could be better than a beautiful pet photo? But how do you photograph them so that the pet pictures also look good? We at Fotoalben Discount will give you the tips you need!

Pet pictures

The best time for successful pet pictures

The best time to take a photo is as soon as you notice your pet and have the camera ready.

If you want to photograph your pet playing or romping around, try to catch a quiet moment when it stops and looks directly at you.

Also, if you want to photograph your pet sleeping, don't disturb it and wait until it is fast asleep to take the best pet pictures. If you are using a digital camera, take as many pet photos as possible and then pick out the best snapshot for the photo frame.

Light plays a decisive role for pet pictures

Perfect picture lighting plays a big role when it comes to successful pet pictures. If you want to take pet pictures outdoors, make sure the sun is not directly on your pet. Instead, try to get diffused light by photographing your pet in the shade or on a cloudy day.

While it is often advisable to place the light behind the photographer for landscape or portrait photography, it can make sense to use the light from the front for pet pictures. This way you can better illuminate your pet and at the same time make its eyes shine. However, make sure that you do not photograph directly into the sun, as this can lead to unsightly reflections.

Pet photography

Pet pictures - How do I get my pet in front of the camera?

Remember, your pet is used to posing in front of you, so use this to your advantage! Simply stand in front of the camera for the pet pictures and entice your pet with a treat or toy. The camera should be at eye level when you do this so you can get beautiful, expressive photos of your dearest friend. If your pet is a little nervous in front of the camera, try to be patient and wait for the right moment for your pet to relax.

There are a few more tips and tricks to follow to get your pet to step in front of the camera. Therefore, we have summarised two tips for the next pet pictures for you:

  • Ask friends or family to help you with training. If you have several people working with your animal, it will be much easier to get it in front of the camera
  • Take your time and be patient. If you try to get your pet in front of the camera in a few minutes, you probably won't succeed. The best pet pictures are taken in unplanned situations anyway.

Pet photos

Tips for pet pictures - Conclusion

With the right tips and tricks, your next pet pictures will be no problem. If you follow the tips, you'll soon realise that taking great pet pictures isn't that hard. So get started and have fun taking your next pet pictures!
