A highlight for every photo fan: Summer pictures
The variety of landscapes makes landscape photography so interesting for all photo fans and picture viewers: Capturing nature with its numerous facets photographically is a pleasure to take pictures and to look at the pictures. There are so many different landscapes that inspire - mountains, deserts, forests, fields, the sea, lakes and rivers. Depending on the season, a landscape can appear very different. A summery picture, whether taken in the sun or rain, is often an eye-catcher. It promises lightness, warmth, joy and zest for life.
Magnificent sunrises and sunsets, for example, almost always catch our attention. Whether glowing red or orange, sometimes the colours are so intense that the effect is incredible.
Here at Fotoalben-Discount you will find a few ideas that might awaken your longing for the next summer and the holiday season and that will bring you even more fun with your summer landscape pictures.
A summery picture as a memory of the most beautiful time of the year!
If you spend the most beautiful time of the year - yes, meaning holidays - in the summer months, then it is obvious that you bring home photos as well as many memories of special experiences. In all probability a summery picture that is brimming with joie de vivre. Whether you love the mountains, prefer to spend your time by the sea or enjoy your well-deserved holiday at home: a summery picture will remain as a souvenir of that wonderful time. The sunlight and also the shade, which is different in summer than in the rest of the year, make every photo a special one. The colour green is a great photo motif next to sunny yellow, especially in summer. The bright fresh green in a birch grove, the dark green of a fir forest, the fresh green of a summer meadow and the green we see in the fertile fields: An abundance of motifs that make the summery picture so luxuriant. The multitude of colourful flowers, small and large insects in abundance and also impressive cloud formations in the bright blue sky are worth a photo. You make the most of your summer, you create your own summery picture.
Ideas for summer landscape pictures!
Summer pictures on the sea:
Finding maritime photo motifs is easy. A look at the many little things often gives a summery picture. The smallest shell, the specially shaped stone, the shard cut by the sea and of course the sand and rocks on the beach are real all-rounders when it comes to summer landscape pictures. If you raise your bick, the sea offers many more photo motives. The wild surf, white crests of foam on the waves, a windswept rough sea, high waves, a mirror-smooth water surface and all these different motifs at different times of day with many variations of light: a grandiose abundance of photo motifs that evoke the longing for space and freedom in every viewer. And for you a special memory!
These memories should be put into scene. A picture frame or a photo album are suitable for this purpose, for example, to keep your pictures safe.
Summer pictures in the mountains:
The way from the sea to the mountains is sometimes very long. For the photo fan who is looking for a summery picture, this is another possibility to take a picture from the full. Different from the sea, but also to be found here: The vastness! Stand on the summit and let your gaze wander over the massive mountain peaks. Lush green meadows, rugged rocks, a fantastic abundance of flowers in all the colours of summer and many plays of light and shadow are waiting for you here. If you are very lucky, the special animal world of the mountains will show you. A summery picture with ibexes, marmots and one of the rare golden eagles are true moments of luck for every photographer. Untouched nature as a special holiday memory.
Summer pictures at home:
At home, too, there are of course great photo motifs for a summer landscape picture. How about setting off in your familiar surroundings at sunrise? Maybe even walk the way you normally walk? The early hour and with it the changing light and the unusual shadows, the silence and the untouchedness of the early morning immerse everything in a very special atmosphere. Familiar perspectives and motifs change dramatically and the photo motifs for a summery picture suddenly appear - in the truest sense of the word - in a completely different light. Even the long evenings and balmy nights invite you to take photos. The late sunset shows the summer landscape pictures in a very spectacular light. The photo absorbs the energy of the summer and a summery picture is created.