Greeting cards for many occasions
There are lots of situations when sending greeting cards is mounted- whether for birthday, christening, wedding, anniversary or as a little gift. In our range you will find a wonderful card design depending on the occasion and your taste. We can offer you more than 70 birthday cards, over 20 wedding cards and over 30 mini cards and 30 Christmas cards. Share loving congratulations, greetings or messages with you loved ones through beautiful cards - especially in the time of fast communication via SMS email and social networks the thee recipient of the card will regard this as a special moment.
Greeting and invitation cards
For professional or private correspondence, you will find high quality pollen - paper products from Clairefontaine. More than 47 different colours offer great flexibility and can be used ideally for printing, cutting, gluing or decorating. With the help of simple documents you can announce an important moment of your life or write messages.